Effective Exam Study Tips For School Students - Modern International School

Modern International School is the best school in Indore. Here we are discussing effective exam study tips for school students:- 
1. Take full responsibility for your learning
When you take responsibility for your learning, you’ll become more proactive.
2. Do more than what others are willing to do
Instead of doing the bare minimum to meet the requirements, do more than what others are willing to do.
3. Don’t focus on grades too much
Don’t allow a focus on grades to cause you to forget that it’s the process of learning that counts in the long run.
4.View challenges positively
This means that instead of telling yourself that something is “too hard”, you tell yourself that it’s an opportunity to “grow” your brain.
5.Vocalize to memorize
When trying to memorize key information or equations, say it out loud.
6. Create summary notes
Create summary notes of each chapter or topic you’re learning.


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